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Secure Online Payment

All of our card payments are handled by PayPal Secure Payment System.

When you click the Checkout Button you will be directed to PayPal system which is extremely secured using 128bit encrypion technology and more.

None of your credit card details are EVER stored on our database systems.

Exchange rates (other than Pounds Sterling) are approximate due to changes in the markets, they are updated every week, so they are only a guide. Final price will be calculated at the PayPal screen.

Why do we use paypal?
Using paypal allows us very flexible payment options, you can pay via credit card, eCheck, debit card, or using money within your own paypal account, so if you use a certain auction site a lot, you can pay via the same methods.

Is this secure?
Payments using PayPal are as secure as using any other online transaction system. Probabley more secure as most payments come from a verified account without showing your details. will never see your credit card details or bank details as all information is taken only by Paypal.

Does that mean I need a PayPal account?
No, you can use our payments system with payPal without ever having to open a PayPal account, just use it like any other online payment gateway. They accept all major payment cards.

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